Yuval Yarom
From April 2023, I am a Professor of Computer Science at Ruhr University Bochum (RUB). Before joining RUB, I was an Associate Professor at the School of Computer and Mathematical Sciences at the University of Adelaide. I earned my Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Adelaide in 2014, and my M.Sc. in Computer Science and B.Sc. in Mathematics and Computer Science from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in 1993 and 1990, respectively. In between I have been the Vice President of Research in Memco Software and a co-founder and Chief Technology Officer of Girafa.com.

My research explores the security of the interface between the software and the hardware. In particular, I am interested in the discrepancy between the way that programmers think about software execution and the concrete execution in modern processors. I work on identifying micro-architectural vulnerabilities, and on exploitation and mitigation techniques.

Contact Information
Email: yuval.yarom [at] rub [dot] de
5 Jul 2024
The paper Spec-o-Scope: Cache Probing at Cache Speed with Gal Horowitz and Eyal Ronen will appear in CCS 2024
24 May 2024
Preprint available Spec-o-Scope: Cache Probing at Cache Speed, co-authored with Gal Horowitz and Eyal Ronen.
19 Apr 2024
I have been appointed as an adjunct faculty at the Max Planck Institute for Security and Privacy

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Program Chair: SEED 2022, WOOT 2020, Kangacrypt 2018, SPACE 2018.

Event Organisation: SSS2 2023, CHES 2020, Kangacrypt 2018, ASEC 2018.

Steering Committees: CHES 2019–2020, WOOT 2020–.

Editorial Board: Communications in Cryptography 2024

Program Committees:
